Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

English Folktale (cerita rakyat bahasa Inggris)

*The Boy & The Magic Brush*

Once upon a time,there was a poor orphan boy lived in a small village in the Chin Hills of Myanmar.He was kid hearted and wished to help everyone,but he couldn’t because he earned very little.He earned his living by working as a labourer.In his spare time,he would sit under the three and used twigs to draw a picture of views that looked very life-like.The people who saw his drawings were filled with wonder and appreciation.He wished to buy paint materials,so he could  paint.But what he earned  was only enough to buy food
for him.
One day,while he was working at farm,he felt very tired and then asleep.And he was dreaming that he saw a fairy.The fairy said that people appreciated his painting talent and gave him a magic paint brush.When he woke up,a golden brush next to him.He tested the truth of his dream,and start to paint  food and fruits.He was surprised,because the food and fruits became real as it done by the  magic.

He was so happy and he promised to him self that he would use the magic brush in a useful ways.First,he gave food for the poor people and gave them new clothes.The poor people blessed him and wished for his happiness.
Finally,he could make his dream became true.

Moral Value :
We must be a good person and useful for the other;
Source : Youtube (dirubah ke versi Teks)
Easy & Short English Folktale 
Cerita Rakyat Luar Negeri (International Folktale)

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